I assume you have already installed USPTO/Direct on each computer that you care about.
First, go to your computer where you have USPTO/Direct working properly -- where you are able to log in to USPTO/Direct. Make a note of the "user name" under which you have been logging in to USPTO/Direct. Let's suppose it is called "Gi".
Then open your Windows Explorer and look in c:\Program Files\USPTO. Make sure this is the same folder where a file "etdirect.exe" is located. In this folder, locate five files that have the same file name and five different extensions -- the extensions will be "cch," "ckl," "crl," "epf," and "pch". Copy these five files into a folder on that computer, and set up sharing privileges that permit others to copy the files from that folder.
Now go to the secretary computer. Open Windows Explorer and look in c:\Program Files\USPTO. Make sure this is the same folder where a file "etdirect.exe" is located. Over the network, copy the five files into this folder.
The five files are not very big -- they will fit on a floppy disk. So if you can't get the network to work, you could use a floppy disk instead.
On the secretary computer, run USPTO/Direct. The "log in" screen will probably appear. If it doesn't, click on "file" and "log in." Then click the "browse" button. Immediately you should see a "profile" such as "Gi.epf." Select that. You should then be able to complete the log in by typing the associated password.
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